Antenk latach connector DIN 41651,Those products are used in more or less every known application within computer-, industrial-, telecommunication and specific automotive markets. This product technology allows cost effective connections between printed circuit boards based on removable or permanent connections based on a longterm proofed way of assembly. Latch Header Connectors are available with the traditionally used pitch of 2.54mm and the pitch of 2.00mm,1.27mm.
Antenk Box Header/Ejector Header Description and Application:
Box header/ ejector header connector, With DIP straight/vertical, SMT,Right angle, 2.54pitch, 2.0pitch, 1.27pitch,
The commonly used Pin ways have 6P,8P,10P,14P,16P,20P, 24P,26P,30P,34P, 40P,50P,64P.
Box header/ ejector header and IDC Flat Cable connectors are two of the most commonly used connectors. Box headers can be found in nearly all electronic equipments.
This is a IDC product which allows cost effective connections between circuit boards based on permanent connection (using transition connector) or removable connection
(Using for IDC flat cable connectors).
Box header
Ejector header